to conserve long-term health for humanity.
Media Coverage
- Trends in Microbiology: “Solutions to expand microbiome sciences in the Caribbean Region: an insider’s perspective” Filipa Godoy-Vitorino
- Allez savoir!: La Suisse abritera une banque mondiale de selles
- RTS: Sauvez nos microbiotes
- BIOspektrum: Schätze für die Gesundheit bewahren
- Tages-Anzeiger das Magazin: Alarm im Darm – Symptome, Ursachen, Behandlungen
- PLOS Your Say: Conserving Earth’s microbial biodiversity before it’s too late
- Positive.News: Why are scientists creating a bank for human poo?
- Beobachter: Ein Tresor für unser Mikrobiom
- BBC News Mundo: El “banco global de heces” que científicos están creando en Suiza para luchar contra la silenciosa extinción de las bacterias
- Urgente24: Microbiota Vault: ‘Arca de Noé de caca’ en ¿Patagonia?
- Discover Magazine: Why We Need Microbiome Labs: The Microbiota Vault Project
- 24 heures: L’UNIL veut enfouir une banque mondiale du microbiote intestinal dans les Alpes
- Le Temps: Là-haut sur la montagne, une banque mondiale du microbiote intestinal
- Bluewin: Exkremente aus aller Welt sollen in den Alpen gelagert werden
- RTS: Des chercheurs suisses stockent des selles pour sauvegarder le microbiote humain
- RBB24 INFORADIO: Microbiota Vault: “Mikrobiotischer Tresor” in der Schweiz
- Il Post: Un grande archivio mondiale della cacca
- BBC News Swahili: Wanasayansi kufunguliwa benki ya Dunia ya kinyesi cha binadamu nchini Uswizi
- BBC News Brasil: O ‘banco global de fezes’ que cientistas estão criando na Suíça
- Kathimerini: Ένα θησαυροφυλάκιο με «καλά» μικρόβια
- Everyeye: Sta per essere costruito un vault dell’apocalisse pieno di cacca umana, ecco perché
- OLAFAQ: Το μικροβίωμα του εντέρου ίσως κρύβει σημαντικά μυστικά για τη θεραπεία ασθενειών στο μακρινό μέλλον
- Canal extremadura: Turno de tarde
- W Radio: Se está creando un banco de heces humanas para preservar la humanidad
- Expresso: Microbiota Vault: recolha de fezes humanas inicia contrarrelógio contra extinção de bactérias e fungos e portugueses participam no projeto
- Newsbeast: Το κλειδί για τη σωτηρία της ανθρωπότητας κρύβεται στα… κόπρανα – Τι βρήκαν οι επιστήμονες
- The Times: Stool bank will store novel gut bacteria to stop humanity going down the pan
- IFL Science: There Will Soon Be A Doomsday Vault For Human Poop
- WIRED: A Mass Extinction Is Taking Place in the Human Gut
- Horizonte: Die Ära des Mikrobioms beginnt
- Usbek & Rica: Pourquoi l’humanité a perdu la moitié de son microbiome en 50 ans
- Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: Microbiome experts warn of an ‘invisible extinction’ of gut bacteria that’s harming human health
- RTS: Rencontre avec Pascale Vonaesch grande spécialiste du microbiote
- Swissinfo: Saving microbial diversity, one stool sample at a time (available in EN, DE, FR, IT, AR, PT, JP)
- Science: Studies of human microbiome have ignored the developing world, potentially compromising treatments
- RFI: PALOP participam no projecto mundial de criação de “Arca de Noé microbiana”
- Diário de Notícias: Uma corrida contra o tempo para salvar micróbios essenciais à vida humana
- NIEHS: Scientists explore exposures, microbiome, and nervous system
- NZZ Magazin: Aus diesen Stuhlproben wird vielleicht einmal Gold
- Muy Interesante: Un arca de Noé en tu cuerpo
- Newswise: “Microbial Noah’s Ark” Initiative Should Move to Next Phase, Study Finds
SCNAT Hotspot: Verborgene Biodiversität
- Digital Trends: Noah’s Ark, but for germs. Inside the plan to build a doomsday bank of bacteria
- Microbiologia Italia: “Microbiota Vault”: l’arca di Noè per salvare la diversità microbica
- Daily Express: ‘Noah’s Ark for germs’ Scientist preparing for doomsday by building huge bacteria vault
- HowStuffWorks: Scientists Call for a Global Germ Bank
- 20 Minuten: Schweiz als Standort für «Arche Noah für Mikroorganismen» im Gespräch
- Publico: Vai ser criado um cofre para os micróbios da humanidade
- ElNuevoDia: Un Arca de Noé para los microbios
- ScienceNews: Scientists want to build a Noah’s Ark for the human microbiome
- Blick: Schweiz als Standort für «Arche Noah der Mikroorganismen»
- Heidi.News: EXCLUSIF — Un bunker de l’armée suisse pourrait devenir l’Arche de Noé du microbiote humain
- Higgs: Warum Tausende von Fäkalproben in einem Schweizer Bunker aufbewahrt werden sollen
- LeTemps: La Suisse, terre d’accueil pour une arche de Noé microbienne?
- Time: Human Health Is in the Hands of Bacteria
- Discover Magazine: Scientists Race to Preserve the Biodiversity Inside Our Bodies
- Rutgers Magazine: Gut Check Time
- Spektrum: Unsere Darmvielfalt ist bedroht
- The Washington Post: The silent microbiome crisis
- NPR: A Frozen Idea To Save Helpful Germs From Disasters
- ScienceDaily: Scientists call for microbial ‘Noah’s Ark’ to protect global health
- Bloomberg: Scientists Urge Doomsday Vault for ‘Good’ Germs
- U.S. News & World Report: Can a ‘Noah’s Ark’ of Microbes Save the World’s Health?
- Business Insider: Scientists want to build a doomsday vault of germs that could one day help save humanity
- The Daily Mail: Scientists reveal plan to create doomsday ‘Noah’s Ark’ for good germs to protect humanity against future disease
- The Guardian: Build ‘Noah’s ark’ for beneficial gut microbes, scientists say
- IFL Science: Scientists Want To Create A “Noah’s Ark” Of Bacteria To Protect The Future Of Global Health
- Inverse: A Doomsday Vault for Seeds Isn’t Enough, We’ll Also Need One for Our Germ